Monday, July 7, 2008

Brian's Graduation

So it finally came! Brian graduated from the Police Academy on July 2, 2008. He graduated in the top 10% of his class and was recognized separately at the ceremony. He also found out his new command. He will be working in the Brooklyn Housing Projects for the next 6 months and then can hopefully transfer. He also got stuck with a night shift sadly but has lots of vacation days and a rotating schedule. He will be in a high impact area however so keep him in your prayers, as you all are in ours. Here are a few pictures of us and his family. Love you!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Mom & Dad Do the Big City

Mom and Dad came and paid us a visit and it was GREAT! We went to the Mets game and got to see the stadium one more time before they tear it down. The Wilson's and Williams finally got to meet as well at Patsy's! Dad LOVEDDD that he had to get a family style meal, and they didn't have Ranch dressing and they didn't have Iced Tea hahaha - He wasn't annoyed AT ALL =)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

“A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.”

Happy Mother's Day! Brian and I went to St. Patricks Cathedral today for church. His autistic counsin Danny was being confirmed. The church is gorgeous as you can see! But it's a little too commerical for me. During the mass the cardinal said "we'd like to thank Sirius Satellite Radio for broadcasting us this morning" haha, I mean, that's a bit much!

After that we went to visit his grandmother in the hospital. She had surgery on Friday and all went well. She can go home tomorrow, pray for a speedy recovery. Just everything made me miss my family. I hope you all had a really great Mother's day, I love you.

Monday, May 5, 2008

May has been an Exciting Month!

So I just accepted a new job with a new firm in NYC. It is called Investcorp and I am so excited. I will be working in their hedge fund department. I ALSO get freeee lunch everyday because they have a gourmet chef on staff - it's a fancy place haha! I am starting there on May 27th! This is a picture of my new building. It's right on Park Avenue!

Brian also is currently in the top 10% of his class in the police academy and just finished his Firearms Qualification Cycle. His sergeant told him he would be a great candidate for the Firearms Award, which is an award he would receive at graduation. He also just finished his Drivers Training and passed w/ the 2nd highest scores on both levels, qualifying for the 'van' training that is only for the best drivers. He also is trying out for the NYPD baseball & basketball teams that travel around and play other states PD's and Fire Departments. They are apparently really good!!

That's it for us =)
Love you All!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Me and Brian

Since some of you haven't ever really seen him haha, here is the love my life =)

(second to all of you of course!)

New Apartment!!

Hi Everyone! I moved into a new apartment recently in Astoria (Queens) NY! I love it! I thought I'd share some pictures of the new place... everyone should come to NY and we should have a family reunion here.... maybe for my wedding (whenever that may be)??? haha


Monday, January 7, 2008


Brian started the Police Academy today and it was a really happy day for the both of us!! We spent the weekend celebrating with his family and getting ready for him to start. He will be in there for about 6 months then out on patrol for about a year or so. After that he plans to take his detective exams and move on up - so he'll be like those guys on Law & Order, but in REAL LIFE =) Please keep him in your prayers for his safety.

It was also very memorable b/c he is going to get his father's shield (2190) which has been in his family for 54 years.

Thursday, January 3, 2008