Monday, July 7, 2008

Brian's Graduation

So it finally came! Brian graduated from the Police Academy on July 2, 2008. He graduated in the top 10% of his class and was recognized separately at the ceremony. He also found out his new command. He will be working in the Brooklyn Housing Projects for the next 6 months and then can hopefully transfer. He also got stuck with a night shift sadly but has lots of vacation days and a rotating schedule. He will be in a high impact area however so keep him in your prayers, as you all are in ours. Here are a few pictures of us and his family. Love you!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Mom & Dad Do the Big City

Mom and Dad came and paid us a visit and it was GREAT! We went to the Mets game and got to see the stadium one more time before they tear it down. The Wilson's and Williams finally got to meet as well at Patsy's! Dad LOVEDDD that he had to get a family style meal, and they didn't have Ranch dressing and they didn't have Iced Tea hahaha - He wasn't annoyed AT ALL =)